EMS-ENI code – COMINF/3.1/1


Project beneficiaries: B1 – Ministry of Internal Affairs, represented by the General   Directorate for Communications and Information Technology, Romania

                                           B2 – Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Comunications, Romania

Lead beneficiary organisation:    Ministry of Internal Affairs, represented by Information Technology Service, Republic of Moldova

The project is financed by ENI – Cross Border Cooperation Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014-2020, TO7. Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of transport and common networks and systems, Priority 3.1 – Development of cross border transport infrastructure and ICT Infrastructure, grant contract no. 87467 from 27.06.2019.

The project contributes to the priority expected results 1. Increased mobility of persons and goods in the eligible area through a modernized transport network and 2. Improved integrated ICT networks and facilities to support the cross – border connections.


General Objective:

Increasing the cooperation capacity and the information exchange between the public authorities from Romania and Republic of Moldova over cross border area, through the implementation of an integrated communication system.


Specific Objectives:

SO1. Establishing the Cross-Border Police Cooperation Centre in Lipcani in order to facilitate the exchange of information between the law enforcement authorities from Romania and Moldova.

SO2. Developing and upgrading the infrastructure, interconnecting communication infrastructures through radio link and increasing the transmissions capacity of the existing  transmission  backbone interconnection to at least 5 Gbps

SO3 Improving the communication coverage capacity and availability of the fixed network through the use of 4 mobile communication centers.

Starting date: 29.06.2019 

Project duration: 36 months

Total amount of the project: 7.591.320,33 Euro, from which 5.013.840,00 Euro represents EU contribution.

B1 buget: 1.750.000,00 Euro, from which 1.124.900,00 Euro represents EU contribution.

In order to tackle the challenges related to illegal migration, organized crime, smuggling and decrease reaction time in case of emergency situations, in the cross-border area, the Romanian and Moldavian authorities will implement an integrated communication system to increase the cross-border information exchange capabilities between their structures.

The actions envisioned in the project will improve the capabilities of the existing communication infrastructure by means of the following:

  1. The existing communication infrastructure capabilities will be enhanced by installing an optical fiber cable between Leorda and Dorohoi and communication equipment in Bucharest, Făurei, Ciulniţa, Feteşti, Cristeşti Jijia, Halta Ungheni Prut, Iaşi, Botoșani, Galaţi, Leorda, Dorohoi and Ungheni. The connection between railway station Dorohoi and Lipcani Cross Border Police Cooperation Centre will be done through the use of radio links on the existing pillars of MAI Romania and MAI Moldova from Botoşani and Briceni counties. Radio transmission equipment will be used in order to connect the authorities via radio-links with the fixed communication network. In order to increase the communication capacity between Chișinău and Iași, the link will be upgraded by installing new communication equipment.
  2. To improve the communication network flexibility and coverage capacity, mobile communication centers (vehicles) will be acquired. The mobile component of the network will temporarily increase network coverage in different isolated areas when needed.
  3. For maintenance purposes, mobile laboratories (communication maintenance vehicles) for technical onsite interventions will be purchased, in order to facilitate the diagnoses and repair of the communication equipment and infrastructure.
  4. In order to enhance the communication capacity between the Romanian and the Moldavian Authorities modern means of communication will be installed, offering direct secure connection between the Cross-Border Police Cooperation Centers from Lipcani and Galati, Internal Affairs Ministries Head Quarters and their subordinated structures from both countries.
  5. The existing equipment assuring the railway communication within the border area will be replaced with a modern ones, able to support usage of multiple and high quality services for traffic controllers and specific railway applications for cross-border

Expected results:

  • Enhanced cross border cooperation by setting up a Cross Border Police Cooperation Center in Lipcani operational by the end of the project implementation period;
  • Secured communication infrastructure between both countries interconnected between Dororhoi and Lipcani, operational by the end of the project implementation period;
  • Increased data transmission capacity of the network to at least 5Gbps, between Chisinau Iasi by the end of the project implementation period;
  • Upgraded communication infrastructure and extended network area on both countries;
  • Extended and ensured flexibility of the network communication coverage capacity through the use of 4 mobile communication centers  by the end of the project implementation period;

Project main outputs:

  • 1 Functional Cross-Border Police Cooperation Centre
  • 1 Operational interconnection (radio-link) between MAI Romania network and MT communication network in Dorohoi
  • 1 Radio link communication infrastructure between Dorohoi – Lipcani (set up and operational)
  • 1 Upgraded network between Chisinau and Iasi (transmission increased to at least 5Gbps)
  • 16 communication towers equipped with radio relay and data transport equipment
  • 1 Operational interconnections between MAI Romania and MT communication network in Botoșani, Suceava, Iași, Vaslui, Galați, Brăila, Bucharest
  • 1 Operational Communication and IT infrastructure that ensures the interconnection of MAI Romania structures
  • 5 Communication equipment in Bucharest, Ciulniţa, Feteşti, Făurei installed over the existing optical cable and Botoșani installed over the optical cable communication infrastructure between Leorda – Dorohoi developed
  • 1 Optical cable communication infrastructure between Leorda – Dorohoi developed
  • 2 Sites of railway communication equipment installed between Leorda and Dorohoi
  • 1 Railway communication equipment installed in Cristeşti Jijia, Halta Ungheni Prut and Ungheni


For further details, please contact:

Iulian DRĂGULIN – project manager
Tel: 0212648537; Fax: 0213112052
e-mail: iulian.dragulin@mai.gov.ro

For details regarding other EU funding, please visit: http://ec.europa.eu/europaid/ index_en.htm

Webpage of the programme: http://www.ro-md.net

DISCLAIMER: This  publication  has  been  produced  with  the  assistance  of  the  European  Union.  The  contents  of  this  publication  are  the  sole  responsibility  of the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs (DGCTI) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Moldova 2014-2020 management structures.”



This project is funded by the European Union


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